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Ag Accounts

Business Checking

Limitations: You must deposit $200.00 to open this account.

Account Fees: A service charge of $5.00 will be assessed each month. In addition the following fees with apply: Debit items: Checks and ACH $.10 each Fees per deposited item: On-Us $.02 each, Local $.04 each. An earning allowance will be used to offset the monthly service charge and per debit item fees. The earning allowance rate, defined as 4.25% less than the New York Prime rate, will be applied to the average collected account balance to determine the offset amount.

Small Business Checking

Limitations: You must deposit $500.00 to open this account.

Account Fees: A service charge of $5.00 will be assessed each month that the balance falls below $500.00 on any day during the statement cycle. In addition, the following fees will apply: Debit Items: Checks & ACH after the first 20 items will be $.10 per item. Fees per deposited item: On-Us $.02, Local $.04.

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